Sunday 28 July 2013

Shinichi Tsutsumi, Machiko Ono, and Hiroshi Tamaki to star in Bali-set comedy

Today it was revealed that Shinichi Tsutsumi, Machiko Ono, and Hiroshi Tamaki will star in Toshio Lee’s Kamisama wa Bali ni Iru (lit. God Is in Bali), the first Japanese movie filmed on location in Bali, Indonesia.

Filming will take place in Bali for about a month from late July before wrapping up in Japan.

The story is based on Sho Kuroiwa’s book “Dekasegeba Daifugou”. It revolves around a woman named Sachiko (Ono) who flees to Bali after the failure of her Konkatsu (marriage hunting) business. By chance, she meets and is inspired by a Japanese multi-millionaire who’s called “Aniki” (big brother) by other visiting foreigners. Tsutsumi will play Aniki, a character based on real-life Japanese entrepreneur Maruo Takatoshi who made his fortune in Bali and continues to influence others to become successful.

Tamaki will play a former doctor named Ryu who changed his life after meeting Aniki.

“Kamisama wa Bali ni Iru” will be released nation-wide in Japan in 2014.

source : nipponcinema


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